Rim progress and my first StewMac purchase
September 18 2011, 7:11 PM
I got the outer face veneer glued on the rim the other night, though not without some exclamations and lessons learned. And now that I'm beyond internals I get to start accumulating permanent, visible imperfections. Of course I take this personally. (but it's not visible here and I'm not telling) My tuners came in from StewMac. The brass open gears nicely complement my other raw brass hardware. The black will complement veneer striping to come. Those nickel posts will be the only nickel or chrome on the instrument (or shall I blacken them?! mwah ha ha haaaa). Also from StewMac, a very foreboding DRAGON rasp. This is the "fine" version. I'm interested to see what it can do after watching Nick almost vaporize a piece of plywood with two strokes of the coarse one.
160 views and 3 responses
Sep 18 2011, 7:51 PMNicholas Hendrix responded:Those rasps are intense. I left my rasp on my workbench last night and woke up this morning to 40 boxes of toothpicks in place of my bench. At least the dragon rasp was kind enough to package them. Hey fella, I'm not even sure that's grammatically accurate. Ridiculous.
Sep 19 2011, 4:32 PMShawn Hoover responded:I'm not surprised at all. Just don't set it on anything structural.
Sep 19 2011, 4:34 PMShawn Hoover responded:That sounded anti-toothpicks. This guy's weird.
(I should disclose that we've left lutherie and shifted into Jim Gaffigan standup schtick now.)