That'll play

Ever since the neck gluing debacle, I knew it was going to be extremely close whether there would be enough material for my pattern. I cautiously trimmed back material a few times, slowly working through the high spots and through the rivers of black glue, but I never quite got a read on it. Tonight was the night of reckoning.

I planed the top down on the safe-t-planer and then took the spindle sander to the rest.

Ho. Lee. Cow. So close. It fits, basically perfectly! There's a sixteenth to an eighth of an inch most of the way around, but the pattern is flush in a few spots. Wow. We proceed.



165 views and 2 responses

  • Oct 28 2011, 8:54 PM
    Monica R Hoover responded:
    Just by the hair of your chinny, chin, chin! No. I take that back. You haven't shaved in at least two days.
  • Oct 28 2011, 8:55 PM
    Shawn Hoover responded:
    Happy beard-day to me.